

International conference on corruption in sports on 6 July 2023

Scene from the film 'Betraying the Game' about corruption in African football. Copyright: Copyright: Insight TWIMeeting in Abuja with free online participation
Abuja, 04.07.2023 – PLAY!YA Nigeria in partner­ship with the African Centre for Media Infor­mation & Literacy (AFRICMIL), the Centre for Jour­nalism Inno­vation and Development (CJID) and HEDA Resource Centre will organise the one-day "International Con­ference on Cor­rup­tion in Sports, Whistle­blowing and Trans­parency" in the Nigerian capital Abuja on 06 July 2023. The meet­ing con­tri­butes to the growing call for an in­de­pen­dent global anti-corruption agency (referred to as ClearingSport, see below) by adding African perspectives. Experience shows that big part of sports ad­min­is­tration in Africa – the Nigerian second to none – lacks accountability. In fact, offi­cials often active­ly engage in brib­ery, cor­rup­tion, and direct steal­ing of royalties or exploit sponsor­ship deals, sub­ven­tions, and other forms of income for their own benefit. This funda­ment­ally under­mines the ability of African athletes to (success­fully) perform. Against this back­ground, the panel­lists and partici­pants are invited to exa­mine the com­plex inter­relations between sports, cor­rup­tion, good gov­er­nance and social justice and dis­cuss ways forward. Online participation is pos­sible with­out prior registration via the link stated below. The con­ference starts at 09.30am (West African Time, UTC+1) respectively 10.30am (Central European Summer Time, UTC+2). Further in­for­mation can be found in the programme.

arrow Programme of the international conference on corruption in sports, 06 July 2023 (PDF 200 KB)

arrowarrow Online participation via Zoom (access only through Zoom platform)

arrowarrow African Centre for Media Infor­mation & Literacy (AFRICMIL)

arrowarrow Centre for Jour­nalism Inno­vation and Development (CJID)

arrowarrow Human and Environmental Development Agenda (HEDA Resource Centre)

arrow About PLAY!YA Nigeria